Sunday, January 17, 2010


If you remember my first ever post on this journal, I commented on the child slavery crisis in Haiti. Last weeks earthquake has truly shattered a nation that was already on the course of destruction, set by itself and its history. Although this is nothing less of a tragedy, I can't help but feel a certain sense of relief upon further reflection. Perhaps it is me being heartless, or perhaps I believe that this earthquake has freed many from a life of torture and bondage. You can ask how I can say such things but I can't help but see the good that God has brought out of this. This does not in any way change the sorrow I feel for an island that i have dreamed of visiting for 2 years. There are many efforts being made to bring aid. As for myself, I have a small amount through Furthermore, there is a petition going around to cancel the debts that Haiti holds with other countries at

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