Friday, June 26, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I must give my respect to the Clot crew for expanding their presence to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, one of the frontiers of street culture that was arguably non-existent before Clot's retail venture. The effort was carried out through their second installment of Hong Kong's Juice flagship. The city they chose for this very selective project is indeed unconventional for a brand with such an international following. Most other's might have chosen cities already heavily invested in such as Tokyo, New York, even EDC's hometown of Vancouver. This definitely separates them from the rest.

I visit the bookstore weekly, on the lookout for any inspirational print material, mainly magazines. One publication I always look forward to seeing is Esquire. The images they present on their covers are nothing less than iconic and the type design integrated never fails to impress me. The articles and short stories deliver a rare sense of classy and refined humor that is hard to find elsewhere. This month featured a new short by Stephen King on the front cover, painted on the body of Israeli Fashion Model Bar Rafaeli. Text on the human body is nothing new, as we can see from Stefan Sagmeister's work for example. But I really liked how clean and modern this looked, and the way the words were intended to fit perfectly with her pose. This wasn't digitally added, it was hand painted.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

En Route

This movie looks fly. It's been on my watch list even before it was ever in production. Tim Burton is perfect pick for the job, not Disney. Even as a child, Disney was not able to mask the undercurrent themes of sex, drugs, etc. that amused and horrified me at the same time. Those of you who know me well know how intrigued I am by the craftiness of Lewis Carroll in his wonderland series. I wrote a high school term paper on it. This film will not disappoint me, at least not visually. Johnny Depp is looking sick.

Another preview of upcoming attractions. Southern Heritage is back in business. Impending visits are inevitable. Cousin Jon with the towelette.

Another note, currently reading the book of Samuel. Currently listening to Stevie Ray Vaughn. Currently working on my new website in which I will import this blog. And currently making pot roast with buttered noodles for dinner.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


As I progress further into the future, my childhood dissolves just as rapidly. This week has been a busy one, going down a list of car repairs, meeting up with old friends, but mainly working as a designer and consultant for my good friend and former high school tennis coach Erik at Foxit PDF, where he was the head of marketing.

I decided to take Wednesday off and treated myself to a quick run back to the City. It just so happened to be Wachovia Wednesday for the California Academy of Science at Golden Gate Park when admission is free. This has been my favorite museum since my first visit in the 1st grade. I haven't been able to go since their remodeling. As expected, parking was a long and unpleasant ordeal. When I got out of the car, I happened to walk right into the end of the entry line. The bad part was that the museum was nowhere in sight. The wait ended up being 2 and a half hours, but that's what I get for being cheap. I had hoped to line up next to some fine lady but instead landed a trio of baby mamas and their strollers. The line was actually twice as long as i had imagined it when the building came into view. I felt fortunate that I hadn't seen how far away I was from the front. Sometimes its good not to know your distance from the top, in anything you do. You tend to do better. At the front, there were still people arriving and realizing that there was a line. I couldn't help but think, "You ain't seeing sh*t my friend". Spending leisure time alone like his also lets you notice other people more. People are so interesting.

The main exhibition was a four story sphere enclosed around an artificial rain forest. If i was
Citizen Kane, this would definitely be in my backyard.

Simulating the rain forest included a replication of the humidity. I felt like I was back in Taiwan again. There was a walkway that spiraled to the top allowing you to see every layer of the rain forest.

Then you took an elevator down below the pond into the aquarium. Question, are their laws against having penguins as pets, because I would give my third testicle to have one.

Before heading back home I stopped by North Beach to pay a quick visit to my favorite store TheDarkSideInitiative. Talked a while with the owner and picked up some new Neighborhood.
Traffic on the way home was unwelcomed. When it let up, my front right tire exploded out of nowhere. The damage was surprisingly ridiculous, but I swapped it with the spare with some extra cover provided by the CHP who arrived shortly after.

Monday, June 15, 2009


So the first alcoholic beverage I ever bought was a bottle of Pyramid Apricot Ale. I don't know what to make of this, there isn't much for me to say, except for thank you, and you're welcome. God has continued to bless me beyond all expectations. I understand what they mean when they say men are slow to age. I've grown a lot and I have much to look forward to. Big dreams in a big world. You should be here. I love you.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


On June 4, 1989, the People's Republic of China government declared marshal law, and slaughtered hundreds of protestors in Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Students and other pro-democracy intellectuals were protesting for economic and political reform. China still continues to deny the occurrence of this catastrophe.

I traveled to Tiananmen Square seven years ago. I was completely aware of what had taken place in that very location. Yet I did not understand.

As the 20th anniversary arrives, Beijing is nervous and cautious of any activities that may take place. Security has increased significantly around Tiananmen Square, and extreme measures have been taken to monitor suspicious individuals. Some have been forced to leave the city. A University professor, whose son died in the massacre is under house arrest. A soldier who partook in the massacre expressed remorse, and was consequentially detained. The United Nations are again urging the Government to acknowledge the offenses of their past.

This iconic photograph was taken by American photographer Jeff Widener of the associated press. He had followed a student to the 6th floor of the Beijing Hotel for a good vantage point. On the street, half a mile away, he spotted a man running from the tanks. The student said "They are going to kill him." So he waited for the moment. The man then stopped in front of the tank. As the tanks attempted to move around, he continued to stay in front. Jeff, knowing that this could be something special, moved quickly to switch his lens that would increase the focus. As he took the photo, he realized there was something wrong and that the shutter speed was too slow, dreading the possibility of having missed it. The man would then climb onto the tank, try to talk to the soldier inside, and taken away as a result. The following day, the student smuggled Jeff's film to get developed. He received a call from Associated Press, finding out that he had done something extraordinary. The photo went on to headline major newspapers and magazines all over the world. Jeff Widener was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. It was also featured in Life's 100 Photographs that changed the world.

Here is a little something I did to commemorate the event.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Somedays you can almost feel its wind. Somedays it just seems so far away. An eternity. Something I will never have the privilege of witnessing with these eyes. People are just so different, and its not their fault. Its not our fault. So it's hard to imagine a world of unity, the one that God promises us in the Bible. I'm not saying it won't happen because I am sure that will. Just not anytime soon.
With all our languages and cultures, and customs, and enviroments, it is amazing to run into someone just like you. The problem is that sometimes I enjoy that discourse, those barriers; needing to learn a language, subcultures rebelling against the dominant society. But within that, we find racism, sexism, every kind of discrimination. Its a living paradox. As much as we try to rid ourselves of animosity, the progress is slow. We do our part, and we do what we can to spread our influence. We've come a long way. From religious persecution, the genocide, to salvery and civil rights. All of which still exist. I'm glad to be able to watch the world change. But It's still so far away.

In headlines today, Edison Chen of Clot inc. returns to Hong Kong for the first time since the scandal at the beginning of last year, amidst controversy, ruined reputations, and death threats. He speaks exclusively to CNN's TalkAsia. Watch the Video here.

Monday, June 1, 2009


I had my first surprisingly vivid dream in a long time this past weekend. This is actually the first time I've remembered it long enough to make a record. Wait, actually there was this one dream I had junior year of high school where I was in the woods, and the trees were all silver and leafless, and then...nevermind. I'm really not quite sure where to start, as it might be one of those 3 or 4 part dreams. I also took from google images the pictures that best represented what I remember.

In one scene, I was with my family I think. We were in Europe, possibly Paris, or at least that was the impression I got. It was on the walkway along a river. The weather was gloomy, and the ground was wet, the way it is after a night of rain. I do remember an empty carnival, and maybe a red balloon. And I exchanged some words with my mother and ran on ahead. And that was all I remember from that scene.

In the next one, I was alone on a train. My location was not clear and neither was my destination. Possibly around the Bay Area or Salinas/Monterey area as I think I can recognize California when I see it. The train stops somewhere and we are told we have half an hour to muddle around. The rest is a bit hazy, but what I do remember is this one photo editing booth set up like a fast food in the middle of the food court. Even the guys working there were dressed up like fast food workers with their red aprons and matching visors. I asked them something. They couldn't help me. They just kept smiling. Reminded me of the deedles from meet the deedles. On my way back to the train someone i knwo comes up to me and shows me what he got at the photo editing booth. I tell him that I couldv'e done a much better job. That the cropping, and the blending was all off. I pass by the photo booth again and notice that the guys are now off work and no longer in uniforms. They sit at an adjacent bench and smile at me. I get back on the train.

I dont know where this next scene falls in the order of events, somewhere in the middle or near the end. I walk into a bedroom, that I knew of somehow when I was dreaming. Someone waits for me outside as they wanted nothing to do with whatever was supposed to happen in that room. I step in, look around, and find my reflection in the mirror. Immediately, to my complete lack of surprise, I start suffering from a demon press. This was a new experience for me as I'm quite sure I was fast asleep during the attack. Usually I'm half awake, and aware of my surroundings, but this time I was still in my dream and was still very aware of the bedroom around me. It ends after a struggle, aided with some prayers.

In the last scene I remember, I am walking through a grassy park. I walk past a cage with pigeons inside. I open the cage door and the pigeons walk out. I walk a but more but for some reason I stop and turn around. I realize that i can communicate with animals, not through speaking but through thoughts and gestures. I crawl on the grass and I encounter a cat, and later a dog. Something wrong happens, I don't remember what. But a girl approaches me. She is very beautiful, and looks like a park ranger. She sits down next to me and starts to ask me questions, as if I did something wrong. But she keeps smiling. That is the end.


It was a weekend of number 1 seed upsets with the Cavaliers losing in 6 to Orlando, and Rafa Nadal losing in 4 to 23rd seed Swedish Soderling on consecutive days. If Haas had been able to capitalize on Federer this morning, I would have been very suspicious. Very suspicious.

Something else that came out over the weekend was Staple Design and Reed Space's first issue of their new print publication Reed Pages. There are a lot of things I like about this magazine, one of them being of course the creative direction expected from staple. Every feature is ordered alphabetically and unbiased from A-Z, there is no main feature, no small columns, and everyone gets an interview. Whats unique is that there are no advertisements whatsoever. I was thinking about how I would pull it off if i ever tried something like that and here it is. You have a page for your sponsor, with their logo and some words of acknowlegment. Nothing else. I felt that this had a lot in common with what I visualize for my own magazine if I ever made one. With that said, its going to be difficult to avoid any imitations. What else is cool is that you can view the entire first issue online here.