Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sayonara Jyanai

I'm sorry for the drought. But given the fact that I only had a few weeks left in Tokyo, it was only natural that I kept my schedule quite busy. I will be sure to do some backtracking sooner than later. The long drawn out process of meeting and exchanging farewells with everybody who made my stay exceedingly pleasant is definitely a sad one.

My coworkers at btf bought me a Porter bag for Christmas. I was so surprised. On the last day boss Aoki took us out to dinner at a nice tonkatsu restaurant in Ueno. After that was a kickback at the most ridiculously cool whiskey bars I have ever seen. A mix of hard cold russian interior with traditional Japanese touches. I don't think they served much else besides whiskey.

I think it is only right for my design career to kickstart in none other than Tokyo, one of the design capitals of the world. I get a strange but welcome feeling here, knowing that success is inevitable, but that everything is done for me. Perhaps that's only something I can understand for now.

A few days ago, I tried cooking mexican for the Iino family, my adopted family in Japan. I dont think I did so well, but they seemed to enjoy it. The Japanese are actually great actors when it comes to real life. I already know that I am going to miss them the most and really hope that they come to visit me soon. They better do so soon, because they can't seem to stop giving me things and I need a chance to return the favor. Another highlight was my boy Andrew and his brother Allen who dropped by from spending his break in Taiwan. It's been about a year and a half but nothings changed. Same in Tokyo as it was in Taipei.

Tonight being my last night, I got taken out to dinner by the Koyamas to a restaurant in Iidabashi, apparently an old geisha district, and had delicious Udonsuki. I'll be seeing them again for sure. And of course I didn't end my last day without final visits to Harajuku and Aoyama. I will miss you Tokyo, and yes I know you love me. さよならじゃない、まったね!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude i envy you :) you definitely need to update this thing more....