Monday, June 1, 2009


I had my first surprisingly vivid dream in a long time this past weekend. This is actually the first time I've remembered it long enough to make a record. Wait, actually there was this one dream I had junior year of high school where I was in the woods, and the trees were all silver and leafless, and then...nevermind. I'm really not quite sure where to start, as it might be one of those 3 or 4 part dreams. I also took from google images the pictures that best represented what I remember.

In one scene, I was with my family I think. We were in Europe, possibly Paris, or at least that was the impression I got. It was on the walkway along a river. The weather was gloomy, and the ground was wet, the way it is after a night of rain. I do remember an empty carnival, and maybe a red balloon. And I exchanged some words with my mother and ran on ahead. And that was all I remember from that scene.

In the next one, I was alone on a train. My location was not clear and neither was my destination. Possibly around the Bay Area or Salinas/Monterey area as I think I can recognize California when I see it. The train stops somewhere and we are told we have half an hour to muddle around. The rest is a bit hazy, but what I do remember is this one photo editing booth set up like a fast food in the middle of the food court. Even the guys working there were dressed up like fast food workers with their red aprons and matching visors. I asked them something. They couldn't help me. They just kept smiling. Reminded me of the deedles from meet the deedles. On my way back to the train someone i knwo comes up to me and shows me what he got at the photo editing booth. I tell him that I couldv'e done a much better job. That the cropping, and the blending was all off. I pass by the photo booth again and notice that the guys are now off work and no longer in uniforms. They sit at an adjacent bench and smile at me. I get back on the train.

I dont know where this next scene falls in the order of events, somewhere in the middle or near the end. I walk into a bedroom, that I knew of somehow when I was dreaming. Someone waits for me outside as they wanted nothing to do with whatever was supposed to happen in that room. I step in, look around, and find my reflection in the mirror. Immediately, to my complete lack of surprise, I start suffering from a demon press. This was a new experience for me as I'm quite sure I was fast asleep during the attack. Usually I'm half awake, and aware of my surroundings, but this time I was still in my dream and was still very aware of the bedroom around me. It ends after a struggle, aided with some prayers.

In the last scene I remember, I am walking through a grassy park. I walk past a cage with pigeons inside. I open the cage door and the pigeons walk out. I walk a but more but for some reason I stop and turn around. I realize that i can communicate with animals, not through speaking but through thoughts and gestures. I crawl on the grass and I encounter a cat, and later a dog. Something wrong happens, I don't remember what. But a girl approaches me. She is very beautiful, and looks like a park ranger. She sits down next to me and starts to ask me questions, as if I did something wrong. But she keeps smiling. That is the end.

1 comment:

Michael said...

hahah jessica alba at the end i was not expecting